Wholesale Paper Bags

How Many Wholesale Paper Bags Can I buy?

Wholesale paper bags can be bought in varying quantities. Wholesale paper bags can come in cartons of 48, 50, 100, 200, 250 or even 500. These quantities ensure that you will have an adequate supply of wholesale paper bags without having to worry about stocking up. For quantities greater than 500 wholesale paper bags, please contact us for more information.


What sizes of Wholesale Paper Bags Exist?

There are various sizes of Wholesale paper bags. Each size is adequate for various objects and household items to carry. The sizes for Wholesale paper bags are Medium, Small Boutique, Small Takeaway, Higher Large, Extra Large, Narrow Medium and plenty more! We guarantee that you will find a size that perfectly suits your Wholesale Paper Bag needs!


What are the benefits of Wholesale Paper Bags?

Buying wholesale paper bags is significantly cheaper than buying an individual paper bag. The quantity of wholesale paper bags that can be purchased with each carton makes it significantly cheaper per paper bag than just individually buying one paper bag. Moreover, every wholesale paper bag is environmentally friendly. Made from natural material, wholesale paper bags are biodegradable as well as reusable. Once the durability of the wholesale paper bag expires, you can simply recycle them. An additional benefit is that they are significantly more durable than plastic bags. Wholesale paper bags have wear resistance and a better construction frame that allows them to support heavier loads. This ensures they last longer than plastic bags which can suddenly tear or break.


What other benefits can Wholesale Paper Bags offer?

Compared to plastic bags, wholesale paper bags have a larger surface area. This large surface area allows for customisation on the wholesale paper bags.Wholesale paper bags can act as free advertising as well as decorate them in a meaningful manner.


Buy Wholesale Paper Bags Now!

Go Green Paper Bags is proud to be passionately providing our customers with affordable, and quality environmentally friendly products, wholesale paper bags! Go Green Paper Bags guarantees that the wholesale paper bags listed below are of the highest quality and affordable! Make an effort in conservatism and environmentally conscious effort to sustain the earth for a better future with wholesale paper bags!









Informative - Paper Shopping Bags


What are Paper Shopping Bags?

Paper Shopping bags are bags composed of paper, commonly known as kraft paper. Depending on the customers’ required needs or wants, a paper shopping bag can be manufactured from virgin or recycled fibres. With paper shopping bags, many customers use them as substitutes to plastic bags, they are commonly used as shopping carrier bags, packaging consumer goods, groceries bags, electronic as well as other various goods that may fit in the paper bag.


Why are Paper Shopping Bags So Popular Now?

Many people have heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Dump that has resulted in our carelessness, severely impacting our oceans and ecosystems. Activists and Conservationists have posited the necessity to substitute plastic bags with paper shopping bags to minimise our carbon footprints as well as ensure we reduce plastic waste in our streets and oceans. With an increasing awareness to the environment and for one’s carbon footprint, many consumers have diverted away from the use of plastic bags and are instead turning to paper shopping bags.


What are Paper Shopping Bags Made From?

Paper shopping bags are made from cellulose fibre which is extracted from wood, a renewable and natural resource. The wood made from paper bags is sustainably managed from European forests. As paper shopping bags are a wood product, the paper stores the carbon throughout its lifetime, and the sequestration time is extended whenever the paper is recycled as it remains inside the cellulose fibres. Paper shopping bags are more durable than before and can be used several times, as such paper shopping bag manufacturers recommend reusing paper bags as often as you can. By reusing paper shopping bags multiple times, we decrease the environmental impact on earth and contribute to a better future for our children and other generations to come.


Buy Paper Bags Now!

Go Green Paper Bags is proud to be passionately providing our customers with affordable, and quality environmentally friendly products, Paper Shopping Bags! If you are looking for quality paper shopping bags, check out our quality selection below! Paper shopping bags are available in bulk, making them highly affordable for a significant discount! Make an effort in conservatism and environmentally conscious effort to sustain the earth for a better future with paper shopping bags!









Blog - Custom Paper Bags

Custom Paper Bag Benefits


With a shift in consumerism perspective between plastic bags and custom paper bags, there has been an increase of people using paper bags. Many businesses have also opted for custom paper bags and for varying reasons. After all, custom paper bags are a super alternative for minimising environmental impact due to their reusability as well as other benefits. Today we will look into the varying benefits that custom paper bags offer.


Environmental Impact Minimisation

From an obvious standpoint, custom paper bags are biodegradable and manufactured with natural materials. They thus reduce pollution during the manufacturing, reduce landfill sites, and can biodegrade if lost. Most importantly however, is that custom paper bags pose less threats to marine wildlife choking on plastic. Custom paper bags are also reusable. Reusable materials allow themselves to be environmentally friendly as no new resources are required to create an environmentally harmful product that leads to deforestation and loss of habitat and conservation.



Recycling assists the environment. Custom paper bags can be used repeatedly as stated before. However, they are made from recyclable materials, allowing them to be used into an alternative material or recreated to replenish its durability.


Advertisement Advantage

Custom Paper bags allow for customisations. Meaning that you can print your logo or designs on our custom paper bags. Any colour, design, marketing message can be printed on our custom paper bags. Custom paper bags act as a super form of advertisement that can be broadcasted for free to a target audience when your customers carry your products home. you will broadcast it free to your target audience when your customers carry their purchase home.


Plastic Bag Levy

Customers generally complain when it comes to being charged a levy for plastic bags. The best way to avoid this is to substitute them for custom paper bags! When customers forget their bags at home, a custom paper bag for free is a great way to make their days convenient without them grumbling over a few cents over a plastic bag.



Go Green Paper Bags is proud to be passionately providing our customers with affordable, and quality environmentally friendly products, Custom Paper Bags! ! Go Green Paper Bags guarantees that the Custom Paper Bags listed below are of the highest quality and affordable! Make an effort in conservatism and environmentally conscious effort to sustain the earth for a better future with your specially designed custom paper bags!!